Fanfiction Challenges
This is where you may have your Fanfiction Challenge posted.
To have your challenge posted, e-mail me with the words "Fanfiction Challenge" as the subject.
Please note that I will not post a challenge if I decide that it is not suitable for this site (NC-17 challenges).
If a challenge is answered I will archive the fic on this site and please, when you are answering a challenge, inform the person that posted it so they can see
their wish come true.
Important reminder: In your fic, acknowledge that the idea for the story was another person's idea.
1. Anime Fan (webmiss)
Theme: Alternate Universe
Challenge: What if Padme Amidala switched roles with Obi-wan Kenobi to make Obi-wan royalty and Padme a Padawan with Qui-Gon Jinn as her master?
Status: Challenge Answered---Title of Fic: The Padawan and The Prince
2. Ross McKay
Theme: Alternate Universe
Challenge: What if Ben and Padme had fallen in love and married leaving Anakin jealous and vengeful?
Status: Challenge Answered---Title of Fic: The Calm Before the Storm
3. Jaded1827
Theme: Alternate Universe
Challenge: What if Obi-wan and Anakin trade places in the Star Wars galaxy where Obi-wan is the son of Shmi, padawan of Anakin, marries Amidala, then turns into Darth Vader. While Anakin is the padawan of Qui-Gon and
the general of the Clone Wars?
Status: Challenge Unanswered
4. Jaded1
Theme: Alternate Universe
Challenge: What if Amidala's diary was found by Luke/ Leia (etc...) telling the truth about 'what happened' and who she really loved and/or they were actually Obi-Wan's kids? (There is a resemblance - and you never know...)
Status: Challenge Answered---Title of Fic: Padme's Diary
Theme: Alternate Universe
Challenge: What if Obi-Wan and Amidala grew up together at the Jedi temple and they were best friends? And Obi and Ami's masters all went to save Naboo and Queen Bant. (Ami takes the place of Bant but at the end of the story there all friends
so it won't make much have to read Jedi Apprentice to understand it :) And of course, they fall in love during the story.
Status: Challenge Unanswered
6.anime fan (webmistress)
Theme: Alternate Universe
Challenge: What if Padme was injured and left blind (temporary or permanent, your choice) by Anakin when he used the force on her in one of their fights,
and only has Obi-wan to help her through this difficult time?--A comfort fic.
Status: Challenge Unanswered
Theme: Alternate Universe
Challenge: What if Amidala called up Obi after TPM and asked if she could come over for a couple days? He thinks about her all day, dreams about her all night...and Anakin begins to suspect.
Status: Challenge Unanswered
Theme: Alternate Universe
Challenge: What if Sabe were the Queen of Naboo but it was hidden by a complicated system of security headed up by none other than Padme Naberrie? What if Senator Amidala was really Senator SABE Amidala but pretended to be Padme because she knew the very attractive Anakin Skywalker, whom she loved, wanted Padme and not her? Would there be a confrontation?
Status: Challenge Unanswered
9. Bethany Elizabeth New!
Theme: Alternate Universe
Challenge: What if Anakin was never in love with Amidala but another Padawan my choice would be Barriss and Obi Wan was in love with Padme?
Status: Challenge Unanswered